Useful tips

Why did Ashwathama side with Kauravas?

Why did Ashwathama side with Kauravas?

Because he had committed to the Kuru king, Kurumamat and KurumamatwasDuryodhana and Dhritarashtra so he had to fight on their side. Ashwathama was friendly with the Duryodhana but that friendship was more because of a dislike for Arjuna than the like towards Duryodhana.

Why was Kripacharya not made commander?

Kripacharya was Royal preceptor Of kurus. So he was preoccupied with his duties other than instructing his students. Bhishma realised this and thus was in search of a committed teacher for his grandsons.

What happened to Ashwatthama after Mahabharat?

Krishna intervened and revived the stillborn baby, and Ashwatthama was made to give up his source of power – the gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Due to his immortality, he was cursed to live forever till the end of time with the gaping wound on his forehead.

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Why does Draupadi forgive Ashwathama?

Draupadi had five sons, one son each from the Pandava brothers. However Draupadi chose to forgive Ashwatthama instead of killing him. She said that she understands how a mother feels when her sons are killed and she doesn’t want Ashwatthama’s mother to feel the same. She chose forgiveness over revenge.

Why did Karna not join Pandavas?

He cannot join Pandavas as a family and become a Kshatriya King, because he considers his foster parents, wife and children with whom he has spent all his life as a Suta to be his real family because whatever he is today is because of them and he won’t break those bonds even for the sake of entire world and all riches.

Who was the last commander of the Kaurava army?

He became a Chiranjivi (immortal) due to a curse given to him by Krishna. The deceptive plot of his rumoured death led to the beheading of his grieving father Drona, who was decapitated while meditating for his son’s soul. Ashwatthama was appointed as the final commander-in-chief of the Kauravas in the Kurukshetra War.

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Is Abhimanyu older than Upapandavas?

Abhimanyu was never elder to the Upapandavas. He was the youngest of the Pandavas’ kids. The first 4 Upapandavas were born during Arjuna’s 12-year exile, because it is highly unlikely that Draupadi would remain childless for 12 years and then suddenly started popping kids out after Arjuna’s return.

Why did Duryodhana appoint Ashwathama as his army chief?

After seeing his well-wishers by his side, Duryodhana expresses his desire to see the Pandava brothers dead, before he breathes his last. And hence, he appoints Ashwathama as his army chief despite knowing the sun has set, and that war ends after dusk.

Why does Duryodhana condemn Ashwathama for killing the Pandavas?

After realising that Ashwathama has not killed the Pandavas but their sons, Duryodhana condemns his friend for deceiving him. He also says that his hostility was with the Pandavas and not with their innocent sons. Therefore, he accuses Ashthama of committing a bigger sin than Bhim by killing innocent and unarmed children while they were asleep.

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Why does Duryodhana accuse Ashwathama of committing a bigger Sin than Bhim?

Therefore, he accuses Ashthama of committing a bigger sin than Bhim by killing innocent and unarmed children while they were asleep. Therefore, after learning that the Kuru clan has died, Duryodhana expresses his sorrow and holds Ashwathama responsible for being the cause of his agony.

Why did Ashwathama kill the five sons of Draupadi?

However, owing to the darkness, Ashwathama mistakenly kills the five sons of Draupadi instead of the Pandavas. The bloody battle of Kurukshetra that lasted for eighteen days between the Pandavas and the Kauravas ended on a tragic note.