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Why did Count Dooku choose Jango Fett?

Why did Count Dooku choose Jango Fett?

Jango Fett was chosen because he took down the Bando Gora and their leader Komari Vosa , Dooku’s former apprentice who had fallen to the Dark Side. When you’re going up against the Jedi, your height or build doesn’t matter too much.

Are all clones Jango Fett?

The clone troopers are cloned from Jango Fett, a bounty hunter hired by a man named Tyranus, later revealed to be Sith lord Count Dooku. The clone troopers’ genetics are altered so that they age at twice the normal rate and are more loyal and easier to command.

Who was the first Jango Fett clone?

Omega, the first female clone of Jango Fett, is introduced in Star Wars: The Bad Batch – but there may be more to this unique clone than it seems. Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode 1, “Aftermath.”

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Why did Kamino choose Jango Fett?

The Sith chose a bounty hunter, Jango Fett, to be the template of a clone army. Fett would come to live on the planet Kamino where the Kaminoans, a species of skilled cloners, extracted samples of his DNA in order to create the first generation of clone soldiers for the Republic.

Is Boba Fett a clone of Jango Fett?

Boba Fett’s origins explained As it was revealed in Attack of the Clones, yes, Boba Fett is a clone. Though Jango is considered his “father,” he is nothing more than another clone of Jango who was created on Kamino.

How was Jango cloned?

During the final years of the Galactic Republic, the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus recruited Jango Fett—a human bounty hunter—as the genetic template of a secret army of clone troopers. To ensure loyalty and obedience in the clones, the Kaminoans installed an inhibitor chip within the brain of every Fett clone.

Is Omega a Jango clone?

For other uses, see Omega (disambiguation). Omega was an unmodified, yet enhanced human female clone created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett who lived in the years following the Clone Wars.

Is Boba Fett the original clone?

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Originally code-named Alpha, he was an unaltered clone of the famed Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Boba was created on the planet Kamino as a result of an arrangement between the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus and Jango Fett, a Mandalorian foundling who served as the template of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Why don t the clones look like Jango?

It is established in Attack of the Clones that Jango Fett is the template for all Clones. When he is killed after the battle of Genosis, they were unable to extract fresh genetic samples from the host. This meant they had to stretch and stretch what samples they had left.

Was Boba Fett a girl?

Boba Fett
Full name Boba Fett Alpha (clone code name)
Species Human (clone)
Gender Male
Occupation Bounty hunter (formerly) Crime Lord

Why was Jango Fett never replaced by a clone?

It seems as though the key reason Jango Fett was never replaced was due to Shaak Ti’s belief that the clone troopers being produced were acceptable as they were, even with the template being stretched. While the Kaminoans revealed that there’s no one way to make a clone, their efforts appeared to be satisfactory.

Why did Tyranus choose Jango Fett?

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As shown in Age of Republic – Jango Fett, Tyranus sought out Fett for his skills and discretion, and Jango implied that being human was another deciding factor. Though the Clone Troopers were among the galaxy’s most formidable soldiers, Jango was largely uninvolved in their training.

Why did Count Dooku want Jango Fett to be a Jedi?

Firmly this is what I have to say, that’s exactly why Count Dooku wanted Jango Fett to be the one whose DNA will serve the Sith decades of planning against the Jedi Order. In legends Jango was chosen because Count Dooku had a run in with him before leaving the order and saw how effective he was at taking down Jedi and was impressed.

Why was Jango the Dragon chosen for the Death Star?

In legends Jango was chosen because Count Dooku had a run in with him before leaving the order and saw how effective he was at taking down Jedi and was impressed. Very few could have taken Jedi down and few dared to even try prior to the Clone Wars as Jedi were mystified way too much and had not been seen dying in mass for quite some time.