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Why did the Emperor dissolved the Senate?

Why did the Emperor dissolved the Senate?

It represents the end of the Republic and the beginning of an era of absolute, unquestioned Imperial rule. Because of the Death Star’s success at Jedha, Palpatine was emboldened to dissolve the Galactic Senate and give the power to run the galaxy to men and women answerable only to him.

What Happened to the Imperial Senate?

The Imperial Senate was disbanded in 0 BBY after the capture of Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan nineteen years after the formation of the Empire.

Did the emperor disband the Senate?

After Palpatine declared himself Emperor, power was increasingly wielded by regional governors. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Palpatine disbanded the Senate.

Did the Imperial Senate know Palpatine was a Sith?

No, but not lack for people trying to tell them. Dooku in particular told Kenobi that hundreds of senators were under the influence of a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious, but Kenobi arrogantly replied that there was no way it could happen without their knowing.

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Was Jar Jar Binks a senator?

Jar Jar Binks was the first Gungan to represent his people in the Galactic Senate, first serving as a Junior Representative along with Senator Padmé Amidala, and then, after her death, serving as full Senator himself.

Did the Imperial Senate have any power?

Whereas the Galactic Senate had held both legislative and executive power, the Imperial Senate held only legislative power—though most of this power was in the hands of the Emperor, as he was the overall ultimate authority. The Emperor allowed the Senate to provide him counsel in enacting new laws.

Did Palpatine influence the Senate?

After declaring every Jedi an enemy of the state, Palpatine convened the Senate for his final address as chancellor: the Galactic Republic would be reorganized into the First Galactic Empire, with himself as absolute ruler of the galaxy, thereby marking the end of a thousand years of democracy.

Did anyone know Palpatine was force sensitive?

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For the most part, no. Palpatine had a rule that anyone who witnessed him using the force had to be eliminated. Notable exceptions were of course Darth Vader as well as the Royal Guards. Palpatine also revealed his mastery over the force to Gallius Rax, though Gallius did not actually believe in such things.