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Why did they redesign the Klingons?

Why did they redesign the Klingons?

With a greatly expanded budget for makeup and effects, the Klingons were completely redesigned for Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), acquiring ridged foreheads.

Why do Klingons always look different?

Klingons look different in TOS because having less pronounced forehead ridges — or no ridges at all — is a recessive genetic trait. It’s merely coincidence that the crew of the Enterprise ran into ridge-less Klingons in their early adventures.

What did Klingons evolve from?

The Klingons (tlhIngan in Klingonese) were a humanoid warrior species that originated from the planet Qo’noS (pronounced Kronos), an M-class planet in the Beta Quadrant.

Why did the Klingons grow hair?

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“The idea is that because the Klingons are not at war and not at wartime, they grew their hair and they don’t wear their armour in the same way. “I did keep some armour – and also, Kol-sha was in armour – so we echoed stuff that we had done before.

How did Klingons get forehead ridges?

In TOS their foreheads were flat exactly like those of humans. The only distinguishing mark was their beards. In TMP and thereafter, however, the Klingons had ridges on their foreheads, to emphasize their being alien but probably also their martial nature.

Where did Worf live on Earth?

Chief Petty Officer Sergey Rozhenko found Worf in the rubble and took him in after failing to find any living relatives. Rozhenko and his wife Helena raised him on a small farm colony on the planet Gault, a world of about 20,000 inhabitants, almost all of them human.

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When did Worf get long hair?

In season three of TNG, Worf began to grow his hair out a little. Maybe this when hairstyle regulations changed in Starfleet, who knows. This do is in between the slicked-back hair of the first two seasons, and the longer locks of seasons four and on. It’s the sweet spot for Worf’s hair.

Do the Klingons have forehead ridges on Discovery?

When the Klingons Kang, Koloth, and Kor reappeared on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, however, they sported forehead ridges which they did not have during their appearances on The Original Series. At the same time, all Klingons shown on Star Trek: Discovery, set within the same aforementioned timeframe, were bald with ridges.

Why did Star Trek change the look of the Klingons?

While the true answer is that Star Trek creators decided to change the look several times because they were unsure of how the Klingons should look, the storyline is that the Klingons were victims of a drug they took in the 22nd century that stripped away their physical strength and facial ridges.

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How did the Klingons get so good at war?

A full explanation finally came in Star Trek: Enterprise. In Enterprise, the Klingons of the 22nd century looked just as they did in the 24th century, until a Klingon scientist experimented with genetic material obtained from augmented humans (think Khan) in order to create better warriors.

Why do Klingons have bald heads?

Within the Discovery series, the Klingons’ baldness was explained. It seems that when Klingons were at war with another race, or when they had a civil war amongst the houses, they shaved their heads to be more war-like. When the hostilities ceased, they let their hair grow back.