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Why do I still feel sad when my ex moves on?

Why do I still feel sad when my ex moves on?

When it comes to dealing with the ex moving on, we tend to feel depressed and hurt because we don’t expect them to do it so soon. This happens regardless of how long it’s been since breakup or who induced it. Sometimes you are the one who broke up, but you still feel upset when the ex moved on.

Why do I feel nervous about getting back together with ex?

How you broke up could come back into the forefront of your head if he or she was a jerk and did something like ending it through text or cheating. Perhaps you’re a lucky person and you ended amicably, so the nervous feeling is just having your ex up close and personal again.

What to do if your ex is happy after a breakup?

If your ex seems happy after the breakup and you ‘re not, please don’t fall for your ex’s illusion. I know it hurts to see your ex happy when you’re crying in bed in pain. If your ex seems exuberantly happy at your expense, don’t get pulled into depression. It really has nothing to do with you as a person.

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How to get over an ex and move on?

The best thing to do is to focus on yourself, your emotional and physical wellbeing, and get back into the game to find a new, healthy relationship when you feel the time is right. Getting over an ex is not the easiest thing in the world, particularly if the other person moved on and found someone else.

Is it bad to see your ex on Instagram with someone?

So you’re casually checking out what’s up on Instagram’s “Explore” section and suddenly a photo of your ex with a new flame shows up. Yes, your relationship ended but it is still awkward and somewhat devastating to see your former partner moving on, especially if the breakup is still fresh.

Why can’t I stop thinking about my ex’s new love?

One of the most common reasons why we can’t let go of the fact our ex has a new love is that we automatically assume this new person is better than you in every way. In order to overcome this problem, you should ditch those thoughts that say your ex got an upgrade.

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Is it normal to keep in touch with your ex After breakup?

Accordingly, when you break up with someone, your conversations typically become shorter and more infrequent. However, sometimes people keep in touch an ex long after a breakup, and that can be a sign that one or both partners isn’t fully over the relationship yet.