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Why do nonpolar molecules dissolve in acetone?

Why do nonpolar molecules dissolve in acetone?

Acetone is a small molecule that has very non-polar and polar properties simultaneously. Its polar C=O. bond makes it miscible (soluble) in water, while its non-polar methyl (CH3) groups can interact with non-polar compounds. This is why acetone can remove nail polish even though water can’t.

Why do things dissolve in acetone?

Acetone molecules have a polar carbonyl group that allows them to ACCEPT hydrogen bonds from OTHER compounds. The slightly positive charge on each hydrogen can attract slightly negative oxygen atoms on other water molecules, forming hydrogen bonds. If acetone is added to water, acetone would completely dissolve.

Why does acetone dissolve organic compounds?

Because acetone contains non-polar methyl groups, it has the ability to interact with non-polar substances such as certain organic compounds; but because it has a polar carbonyl group, it works well with water, too. That is, the oxygen in the carbonyl group is more electronegative than the carbon.

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What solvent can dissolve hexane?

Hexane dissolves in toluene, but water does not dissolve in toluene. Two liquids that completely dissolve in each other are miscible liquids. Two liquids that are not miscible in each other are immiscible liquids. Polar water and nonpolar oil are immiscible liquids and do not mix to form a solution.

Can acetone dissolve nonpolar solutes?

Acetone is a good solvent due to its ability to dissolve both polar and nonpolar substances, while other solvents can only dissolve one or the other.

Is acetone miscible in hexane?

Polar substances are not likely to dissolve to a significant degree in nonpolar solvents. For example, ionic compounds are insoluble in hexane. Substances composed of small polar molecules, such as acetone and ethanol, are usually soluble in water. (They are also often soluble in hexane.)

What substances can dissolve in acetone?

Acetone is a good solvent due to its ability to dissolve both polar and nonpolar substances, while other solvents can only dissolve one or the other. Acetone’s chemical makeup includes elements that are both polar and nonpolar which means acetone can be used with both organic and inorganic substances.

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Why is hexane a good solvent?

Hexane is a chemical solvent that presents as a clear, odorless liquid that has a high evaporation rate and low boiling point, which makes hexane an ideal chemical for extraction. In addition to having the ideal properties for extraction hexane also produces no toxic fumes which is preferred for the safety of the user.

Why do nonpolar solutes dissolve in nonpolar solvents?

When a nonpolar solute meets a nonpolar solvent, the attraction between the solvent and solute molecules is also greater than the solute-solute or solvent-solvent forces; ergo, a nonpolar solute can generally dissolve in a nonpolar solvent (driven by entropy, of course).

Why is hexane a nonpolar solvent?

Hexane is non-polar because the electronegativity difference between the hydrogen and carbon atoms is very small, ∆EN = 0.4 and ∆EN between the carbon and carbon atoms is zero. Liquid hexane molecules are held together by London dispersion forces. Water is capable of forming hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Why is hexane a good non-polar solvent?

Hexane is just hydrogens and carbons and there isn’t much charge imbalance. The carbon-hydrogen bonds aren’t very polarized. Because of that lack of charge imbalance, the molecule is non-polar.

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What is the difference between acetone and hexane?

Answer Wiki. Java nailed the answer: hexane, a non polar solvent dissolves non polar compounds while acetone, a polar solvent dissolves polar compounds and depending on what you want to extract, each has its application.

Is hexane a good solvent for dissolving a polar compound?

Hexane is a good solvent if you are trying to dissolve a non-polar compound; however, if you tried to use hexane to dissolve a polar compound, it would be very ineffective. Water would be a better choice than hexane for a polar compound as water is polar and would interact with the polar compound more readily.

Is hexane soluble or insoluble in water?

Additionally, why is hexane soluble in water? Hexane has an fairly equal charge distribution, meaning it is non-polar. Nothing about the water and hexane molecules attract each other. Therefore hexane is not soluble in water.

How do you separate oil from hexane?

Hexane is a non-polar solvent so it can dissolve oils. The mixture of oil and hexane ( obtained by filtration ) is then separated by boiling the hexane out and condensing it for reuse. This results in a crude oil.