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Why do people in war torn countries still have children?

Why do people in war torn countries still have children?

In a high risk environment, such as a war torn country, people tend to have many children to ensure that at least one of them survives to adulthood.

What is the most war torn country in the world?

World’s Most War-Torn Countries

  • Afghanistan. Afghanistan has endured several civil wars over the years: 1989-1992; 1992-1996; 1996-2001; and the current civil conflict.
  • Iraq.
  • Syria.
  • Yemen.
  • Mexico.
  • Somalia.
  • Libya.

In which places around the world are children affected by war?

Among the conflict zones in the world, Afghanistan has the most children who have been killed and maimed. While the highest number of children in conflict suffering sexual violence is in Somalia, Nigeria has the highest number of children fighting in war and recruited into arm groups.

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What are the most dangerous countries for children?

Somalia, Congo, Afghanistan and Syria top the list of the most dangerous conflict zones for children, the United Nations said Monday, accounting for nearly 60\% of all violations among the entries on its annual blacklist of countries where children suffer grave abuses.

Is Afghanistan war torn?

The 20-year war has nearly ended. The Biden administration announced in July that U.S. troops would leave Afghanistan by the 31 August 2021.

What is a war torn country?

a war-torn country or place has been badly damaged by a war, especially a war that involves different groups from the same country.

Which country is in war right now?

Detailing the Conflicts

Conflict Name Type Countries Involved
War in Afghanistan Civil War Afghanistan
Civil War in Syria Civil War Syria
Instability in Iraq Civil War Iraq
Criminal Violence in Mexico Criminal Mexico

Why is Afghanistan such a torn country?

Afghanistan is a tribal society where the people are ruled by war lords. And with it come constant conflicts. It’s never been a torn country because it’s never been a country. It’s a chimera of tribal and ethnic groups without a single common identity. Because superpowers are into war like a smack addict is into smack.

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What are the main problems faced by children in Afghanistan?

Main problems faced by children in Afghanistan: Poverty. Almost one half of the Afghan population (46\%) lives below the poverty line. According to UN statistics, Afghanistan is the second poorest country in the world. The gross national income per citizen equals 370 dollars per year.

What happens to children in war-affected countries?

The child may be in substitute care with someone who cares for him or her only slightly – relatives or an orphanage. A certain proportion of war-affected children lose all adult protection – “unaccompanied children,” as they are known in refugee situations.

Can we stop the suffering of children in war?

However, any degree of immersion in the suffering of children in war impels one to consider ways of removing the vector producing the suffering – war itself (primary prevention).