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Why do studio songs sound better than live?

Why do studio songs sound better than live?

Originally Answered: why does the same song sound better when sung in studio, as compared to a live concert? Each instrument is typically isolated from the others in the studio, avoiding “bleed” to other mics. This is one reason the studio sound is cleaner.

Why does music sound different?

Why do the same notes played on different instruments sound so different? The reason the same musical note sounds different when played on various instruments is because the harmonic overtones and envelope of each instrument is unique. When a frequency is played, other frequencies, called harmonics, are created.

Why do singers sound deeper live?

When you speak, your vocal cords create sound waves that travel through the air to reach your inner ear. This means that your voice usually sounds fuller and deeper to you than it really is. That’s why when you hear your voice on a recording, it usually sounds higher and weaker than you think it should.

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Is there a difference between a song and a track?

A track is a piece of music. A song contains singing, and therefore vocals. So all songs are tracks but not all tracks are songs because some could be instrumentals or spoken word performances.

Why do people hear the same sound differently?

“If you lose the high frequencies, the illusion goes away.” Some people have greater sensitivity to higher frequencies or lower frequencies, Yazel says, which could explain part of why people hear different things. “But not only that, the brains themselves can be wired very differently to interpret speech,” he says.

Why do some people hear different sounds?

Human beings perceive sound differently on a physiological level. This can be attributed to age, gender and other personal demographics that determine how we hear sound. Additionally, external elements like language and dialect can create biases in interpreting sound that change the perceptions in different people.

Why do some singers sound better live?

Thats because you are listening to something that underwent a process called post production in case of studio version of the song where a lot of polishing and enhancing process is done. During live there is no post production or multiple takes. 1) When they perform live no booster and effects are added.

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Whats the difference between a song and a beat?

The beat is the steady pulse that you feel in the tune, like a clock’s tick. It’s the beat you’d naturally clap along to, or tap your foot to. The rhythm is the actual sound or time value of the notes, which in a song would also be the same as the words.

Why are songs called Tracks?

Performers who sing without a band or musicians use a recording with the vocal track removed. Each recording of sound is mixed down into a Master Track. The use of the term track to mean a song on a recording came out of that.

What does it mean when a song sounds different all of a sudden?

If is a love song, u may have recently gotten into a relationship. If is about a girl and heartbreak, u could have recently faced a heart break. So in short, a song which is sounding different all of a sudden, means without a doubt a change in your current mental situation.

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Why does my music sound sped up and off pitch?

It is during this phase that your music is in simple terms “memorized” by your brain. It is at that point considered background noise that your brain tells you to ignore. It is because of that the music will often sound sped up and off pitch.

Are We losing our ability to hear real music?

We’ve lost our ability to know what “real” music really sounds like. Even with live music, it’s almost always compressed, processed and heard through speakers. An awful lot of music is more a product of technicians and engineers than musicians and instrument craftspeople.

Why do we listen to music while sleeping?

This actually had a rather simple answer. While sleeping, you enter what is known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. It is during this phase that your music is in simple terms “memorized” by your brain. It is at that point considered background noise that your brain tells you to ignore.