Useful tips

Why do Thai use spoon and fork?

Why do Thai use spoon and fork?

Because most food in Thailand is composed of small bits and pieces of ingredients in it. Meat, chicken, fish are often chopped into small pieces, so are vegetables and herbs. Also, many dishes are watery and creamy, so using a spoon is much more convenient. We use a fork to help get the food onto the spoon.

Is it rude to eat with a fork in Thailand?

The Eating Utensils Even if you prefer chopsticks and want to show that you know how to use them politely, Thai people don’t use them for rice-based dishes. In Thailand, people eat with a spoon in the right hand and fork in the left. Only items not eaten with rice (e.g., chunks of fruit) are OK to eat with a fork.

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Do they use forks in Thailand?

| Thai Dining Etiquette. One fact that comes as a surprise to those that are not familiar with Thai culture is that Thai people generally use forks and spoons instead of chopsticks. This is contrary to what you would expect considering the ubiquity of chopsticks among East Asian countries.

Why do Asians eat with a spoon?

Whatever you call it, the spoon is commonly used in three ways – to sip liquid like soup, to assist chopsticks when tackling an ingredient-packed noodle soup, and to discreetly get small bones from your mouth to a plate when eating food like chicken feet.

Why do Thai people sit on the floor to eat?

Thais are extremely friendly and welcoming, especially when they see you eating and enjoying the local food! If you are dining in the countryside, you could well find yourself sitting on a mat on the floor. In this situation, it’s important to make sure you don’t point your feet at anyone.

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Did Thailand ever use chopsticks?

Thailand. Historically, Thai people used bare hands to eat and occasionally used a spoon and fork for curries or soup, the result of Western influence. But many Thai noodle dishes, served in a bowl are eaten with chopsticks. Unlike in China and in Vietnam, chopsticks are not used with a bowl of rice.

What is a Renge?

It is called chirirenge (散蓮華) in Japanese. Most commonly, it is referred to as “renge” for short. Do you know what “chirirenge” means? It means a petal of a lotus flower that has fallen off. The shape of the spoon looks like a piece of lotus flower.

Do Thai people eat with a fork and a spoon?

Then after observing for a while he basically said that Thai people have no need for a knife, but he’ll keep the fork and spoon. And thus, Thais eat with a fork and a spoon [the fork for pushing food onto the spoon mostly].

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How do you hold a fork in Thai?

Thais are primarily a spoon people. The spoon is held in the strong hand and the weak hand holds the fork, which plays only a supporting role by scooping food onto the spoon . In fact, it’s used in such a way that it could easily be replaced by another spoon.

Which hand do people eat with in Thailand?

In Thailand, people eat with a spoon in the right hand and fork in the left. The spoon is the primary utensil; the fork is only used to manipulate food.

Why do we use a spoon instead of a fork?

The spoon is held in the strong hand and the weak hand holds the fork, which plays only a supporting role by scooping food onto the spoon . In fact, it’s used in such a way that it could easily be replaced by another spoon. Of course, that would look even more ridiculous than the current arrangement, which may explain the use of a fork at all.