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Why do you think the Mormons were being persecuted?

Why do you think the Mormons were being persecuted?

The Mormons were persecuted for several reasons: They didn’t keep slaves, which was seen as a threat to the surrounding slave-owning culture at a time when the abolition of slavery was a big issue. Their doctrine of plural marriage was seen as a serious attack on the social and ethical rules of the period.

Why is the Mormon Church so secretive?

Why is Mormonism sometimes described as a secretive religion? The most common and visible target for charges of suspicious secrecy in the Mormon religion are the temples. After dedication, these buildings are closed to the public and church members do not talk openly about the rituals that take place within.

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Why was the Mormon migration successful?

The Mormon Migration succeeded because: Young carefully planned the logistics, ensuring there was enough supplies to last the journey. Young consulted with trail guides to find the quickest and safest routes. He sent a ‘Pioneer Band’ of 150 men and 70 wagons to be the first to travel to the Great Salt Lake.

When did the Mormon Murders happen?

When his schemes began to unravel, he constructed bombs to murder three people in Salt Lake City, Utah. The first two bombs killed two people on October 15, 1985. On the following day, a third bomb exploded in Hofmann’s car….

Mark Hofmann
Date October 15, 1985
Killed 2
Injured 2 (including himself)
Weapons Mail bombs

How does the Mormon church work?

Mormon Beliefs Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ. Followers claim that God sent more prophets after Jesus’s death. They say that the original church has been restored in modern times. Instead, they believe the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate gods.

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Is the Book of Mormon play offensive?

‘The Book Of Mormon’ is a vulgar, ugly, offensive and truly fine musical (review) “The Book Of Mormon” isn’t about religion. Ultimately, it drops a dose of vulgar, ugly and comically juxtaposed reality on the absurdity of musical theater and the incongruities of one particular religion: Mormonism.

What was the problem with the Mormons in Missouri?

Also adding to the Missourians distress were the rumors of Mormon “Danites,” a secret band of Mormon hit men known to intimidate non-Mormon “Gentiles” and LDS dissenters. The acts of violence brought against the Mormon settlers and the fact that the Mormons felt they would not receive proper redress compelled them to retaliate.

What role did the Mormons play in the early United States?

It is true that the Mormons were driven from several states before finally arriving in what is known today as the state of Utah, and this violence can never be condoned. However, with all of the talk of the persecution early Mormons faced, there is rarely any discussion as to the role played by the Mormons in those early years.

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What is the relationship between religion and anti-Mormons?

Religious belief, as non-Mormons understood it, had little to do with anti-Mormonism. On the other hand, by the mid-1830s Mormons embraced a religion that shaped their politics, economics and society.

Why are there so many dysfunctional families in Mormonism?

There are different reasons based on historical periods in Mormonism. Joseph Smith was the child of two parents who were what we’d now call a ‘dysfunctional family’. This was partially due to personal issues, and substantially caused by the ‘ Little Ice Age ’/” Year Without a Summer ” of the early 1800’s.