Useful tips

Why do you want to join Tata Communications?

Why do you want to join Tata Communications?

Tata Communications has a very clear vision and mission with emphasis on open communication and accessibility. Working style is such that it promotes collaboration and teamwork. Employees get ample growth and learning opportunities.

What is the work of Tata Communication?

Tata Communications is a digital ecosystem enabler that powers today’s fast-growing digital economy. Tata Communications carries around 30\% of the world’s internet routes and connects businesses to 60\% of the world’s cloud giants and 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers.

What do Tata Communications do?

Tata Communications is a digital ecosystem enabler that powers today’s fast-growing digital economy. Tata Communications carries around 30\% of the world’s internet routes and connects businesses to 60\% of the world’s cloud giants and 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers. …

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How many rounds of interview did you have at Tata Communications?

I interviewed at Tata Communications (Chennai) I had 4 rounds of interview – Telephonic , technical round 1 , technical round 2 and HR. From second round few programming problems were given to solve. Data structures related questions also were asked. I applied through an employee referral The process took 4 weeks.

How do I apply for a job in Tata Communications?

Go to the official page of Tata Communications and scroll to the end of the page. Go to Careers and select the job opening. Register yourself and fill in your credentials. If you are eligible for the recruitment drive, you will receive a link through which you can apply. How should I prepare for Tata Communications company-specific recruitment?

How to prepare for Tata off-campus recruitment 2021?

The best way to prepare for Tata Off-Campus Recruitment 2021 is to take the preliminary test and revise your subject knowledge with the Coding Ninjas’ training modules. You can always refresh your area of expertise and improve your communication skills. Do not learn anything new simply to answer a few questions about it.