Useful tips

Why does a Harley sound different?

Why does a Harley sound different?

Why do Harley-Davidson motorcycles sound this way? “The 45° design of the engine thus creates a plug firing sequencing as such: The first cylinder fires, the second (rear) cylinder fires 315° later, then there is a 405° gap until the first cylinder fires again, giving the engine its unique sound.”

Why is a Harley-Davidson called a hog?

The name “hog” is synonymous with Harley-Davidson bikes, and though you might expect it to have something to do with their imposing, hulking size (or sound), in reality, the nickname was adopted because Harley racing team member Ray Weishaar owned a piglet, which became the team’s mascot.

Why are Harley-Davidson so loud?

Many Harleys are loud because the owners want them that way. It is Harley owners who make several aftermarket modifications on their bikes to turn up the volume. Such changes include removing bike mufflers, replacing stock exhaust pipes with straighter aftermarket variants, or replacing the entire exhaust system.

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Why do people like riding loud Harleys?

People like riding loud Harleys for various reasons. Some like loud bikes because they make them look cool and enforce the macho image they try to project. Others claim to prefer louder exhausts because they help improve motorcycle performance. Mechanics have, however, debunked this belief.

Are loud exhausts on Harley-Davidsons a problem?

It baffles me that the drivers of the many Harley Davidson motorcycles which are equipped with excessively loud exhaust systems (or rather, exhaust systems which muffle very little) do not find them cited for disturbing the peace, if not having their motorcycles banned from street use.

What is the problem with loud motorcycles in America?

Loud Harleys are just a symptom of a larger issue – the loss of sense of community in America. At some point the police decided that loud motorcycles are a low priority. They didn’t understand that for everyone to live together successfully in a community there has to be shared values.

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What makes a Harley Davidson motorcycle sound like a Harley?

The secret of the unique sound of a Harleys lies in the design of the Harley-Davidson V-Twin two-cylinder engine. The pistons in most two-cylinder horizontal engines are timed to fire alternatively. This means one piston fires on each revolution of the crankshaft, i.e., every 360 degrees.