Useful tips

Why indoctrination is bad?

Why indoctrination is bad?

Indoctrination in the media can be harmful to development and it makes it hard to form opinions on life situations. This can cause someone to be indecisive and misinformed. It is important that young, easily-influenced children are able to learn about all viewpoints to form their own well-informed opinions.

Is brainwashing the same as indoctrination?

Essentially they both refer to mind control , while indoctrination usually undergo some time and some slow , gradual procedures to take effect. Brainwashing is like a forcefully injected version of indoctrination.

What is religious indoctrination like?

In other words, religious indoctrination is like a mental jail in which children don’t ever get out, never breathing the fresh air of Freedom to Explore.

Why is childhood indoctrination one of the most powerful weapons in religion?

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In the excerpt below, Brucker explains why childhood indoctrination is one of the most powerful weapons in religion’s arsenal: To state it plainly, indoctrination means to heavily influence someone into believing a particular set of ideas, whether they are political, cultural, or religious.

What does it mean to indoctrinate someone?

To state it plainly, indoctrination means to heavily influence someone into believing a particular set of ideas, whether they are political, cultural, or religious. Most often, this is done when the individual is particularly young, when he or she lack the ability to reasonably conclude whether or not a statement is true.

Are children doomed to adopt religion?

Those children are doomed—doomed to adopt via indoctrination the religious beliefs of their parents. They will never be exposed to alternative points of view, will never have the chance for lives different from those of their religiously regulated and constricted community.