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Why is iron the most stable element in the universe?

Why is iron the most stable element in the universe?

The more stable a nucleus is, the more energy is required, per nucleon, to pull the nucleus apart. This stability is caused by the attractive nuclear force between nucleons. Iron 56 is the most stable nucleus. It is most efficiently bound and has the lowest average mass per nucleon.

What is the most stable element and why?

The noble gases are the chemical elements in group 18 of the periodic table. They are the most stable due to having the maximum number of valence electrons their outer shell can hold.

Is iron most stable?

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There are some 90+ elements of the periodic table that occur naturally in the Universe, but of them all, iron is the most stable.

Why is iron nucleus so stable?

Notice that iron-56 has the most binding energy per nucleon, making it the most stable nucleus. The rationale for this peak in binding energy is the interplay between the coulombic repulsion of the protons in the nucleus, because like charges repel each other, and the strong nuclear force, or strong force.

Is iron more stable than noble gases?

Yes, iron or more precisely an isotope of iron know as iron-56 is the most stable element known. Meanwhile, the binding energy per nucleon value of the noble gases is less than iron-56.

Which is more stable iron or nickel?

Nickel-62 is the most stable nuclide of all the existing elements; it is more stable even than Iron-56.

Why is iron more stable than noble gases?

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This is because the outermost orbital of the electron shell of each atom is completely filled with electrons, and does not (normally) share or borrow with any other atoms. Why is iron considered the most ‘stable’ element. Wouldn’t helium or the inert gases be it?

Is iron more stable than helium?

So, in one word, iron is quite stable. But, what about helium and other noble gases? They are considered the most stable elements in the whole periodic table. But their binding energy per nucleon value is less than iron-56.

Why iron is not a noble gas?

iron is not a noble gas because noble gases do not react with any other metal or non-metal as in neon, argon, xenon.

Why is Fe more stable than Co and Ni?

Fe3+ ion is more stable due to its half-filled 3d5 electron configuration. As half filled and completely filled shells are more stable Fe3+ ion is more stable.

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What is the highest stable element?

The periodic table could be considered to end at the largest stable element, lead (atomic number 82). All elements with higher atomic numbers have unstable nuclei, because the assembled protons become too large for the strong nuclear force to hold together.