Useful tips

Why is it good to doubt?

Why is it good to doubt?

Good doubt motivates us to test things out; bad doubt stops us from doing that. Shakespeare said of the latter: “Our doubts are traitors, / And make us lose the good we oft might win, / By fearing to attempt.”

Why is having doubt bad?

Self-doubt makes you question the rationality behind your ideas and prevents you from being bold enough to show your most creative ideas. At its worst, it makes you totally unable to see a way forward in tricky situations.

Can you challenge God?

You can challenge Him any way you want, but God does say not to put Him to the test.

Is doubting God harmful to my faith?

Many Christians view doubt as something that harms one’s faith. It’s something that should be avoided, faith and doubt just don’t mix. And if a Christian finds themself doubting God the solution is simply to replace the doubt with faith. But it’s not that simple.

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What if a Christian finds themselves doubting God?

And if a Christian finds themself doubting God the solution is simply to replace the doubt with faith. But it’s not that simple. If you’ve experienced doubt in faith you know that. The reality is almost everyone experiences some kind of doubt at some point in their faith journey.

Is doubt good or bad for You?

Hiding or suppressing doubt can leave it to fester and eventually explode into unbelief. But doubt can also be a very productive experience if addressed properly. Doubt can help me to grow in my faith and in my understanding of that faith.

Is the Bible full of stories of Doubting People?

The Bible is full of stories of doubting people. Oftentimes the “heroes” of the Bible did not earn their title because they believed without doubt. Rather they earned their title because they had faith WITH doubt. At the same time, there are also plenty of stories where doubt led to trouble.