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Why is the front of the Millennium Falcon different in Solo?

Why is the front of the Millennium Falcon different in Solo?

Lando used the Falcon for entertaining One reason Lucasfilm decided to make the Falcon look different in Solo is to reflect the personality of the owner. Solo screenwriter Jon Kasdan told Entertainment Weekly that Lando uses the Falcon for entertaining guests, and the look of the ship reflects his personality.

How did the Millennium Falcon change?

But let’s get to the biggest, juiciest change: the tapered nose. Fans immediately noticed that the Falcon had a different silhouette in Solo, ending in a tapered nose instead of forked mandibles. Unfortunately, EW says “it would be a spoiler to reveal exactly how that happens.” But they do provide a hint.

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What happened to the Millennium Falcons nose?

What happened to the nose of the Millennium Falcon? – Quora. The current canonical explanation can be seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story. There used to be an escape pod installed in the nose of the Falcon, but Han shot it offf during the famous “12parsec” Kessel Run.

Why is Millennium Falcon pronounced differently?

Because Falcons aren’t existing birds in the Star Wars Universe. The word may look similar to the name of the bird of prey, but in-universe it isn’t even slightly related. The reason it is pronounced this way is simply because of accents.

Did the Millennium Falcon have an escape pod?

The Class-1 escape pod was a model of escape pod with capacity for a single passenger that was manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. At the time that the smuggler Han Solo acquired the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon, the starship carried five Class-1 escape pods.

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Why does Han Solo say Falcon weird?

Why didn’t Han Solo replace the escape pod?

The Solo movie covers up the notch in the falcon’s design and places an escape pod there. The escape pod gets jettisoned in the film for a humorous moment and thus the absence of the pod explains the notch.

What is the Millennium Falcon’s design in solo?

Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story is not only Han Solo’s origin story but the Millennium Falcon’s as well, which is evident by the numerous changes made to the iconic ship’s design in the standalone film. The Solo Falcon design is sleek, sharp, and above all… new.

Does Han Solo have an escape pod in the Millennium Falcon?

While Han Solo has never had to abandon ship aboard the Millennium Falcon, the spacecraft does have an escape pod in its rear (as revealed around the time The Force Awakens released) – but that might not be the case in Solo: A Star Wars Story.

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How is solo different from the other Star Wars movies?

Fans will notice that the Falcon had a lot of “holes” in the original trilogy, much of which has been covered/sealed in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The most noticeable difference is that the Falcon’s entire front-end (the mandibles) that’s missing in every other movie is present in Solo.

Why doesn’t the falcon have a missile launcher in solo?

One of Han’s many modifications to the ship included a concussive missile launcher in the front, which presumably isn’t there in Solo because the ship was still a transport vehicle during that time period. In addition to “completing” the Falcon’s design, the front-end also gives the ship a sleeker and narrower look.