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Why surname is not in Tamilnadu?

Why surname is not in Tamilnadu?

Perhaps most revolutionary of all — it saw people drop their caste names as surnames. Instead, people took their father’s first name as their surname. As first names were relatively fluid and intermixed across castes — this had the effect of instantly obfuscating the background of people.

Who removed caste in Tamilnadu?

Removal of caste names Periyar organized agitations throughout Tamil Nadu for the removal of the words “for the brahmins” and “by the Brahmins” from the name boards of hotels.

How do Tamil surnames work?

Tamil names usually follow this pattern: Initial (Village name), Initial (Father’s name), First Name, Caste name (Example: E.V. Ramasamy, where E stands for Erode, and V stands for Venkatappa, the father’s name. Another example is R. Karthik, where R stands for Ravichandran, the father’s name).

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Do Tamils have surname?

In earlier times a caste name or village name was used by the Tamils as their last name, but due to the influence of the Dravidian movement Tamils of all castes have mostly given up caste surnames. However, frequently adopt their father’s or husband’s name and take it for successive generations.

What caste is Ray?

Ray is a surname prevalent amongst Bengali Kayasthas. It’s a title given by a monarch or a zamindar.

Which is the lowest caste in Tamilnadu?

Chakkiliyars are also referred to as Arundhatiyar, Madari, Madiga and Pagadai, and represent the lowest strata even among the schedule castes.

Is Kumar a surname?

The surname “Kumar” hardly denotes any caste in Bihar. But it can be found in almost all popular castes. Similarly, surnames like Singh, Sinha, Verma, Chaudhary, Mishra, Das, Khan etc. “Narayan” and “Prasad” are also used as caste-neutral surname like “Kumar”, he observed.

What is the meaning of Mudaliar caste?

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Mudaliar caste or Vellalar history & information. Mudaliar also Mudaliyār, Mudali and Moodley in Tamil language literally means a person of first rank in a feudal society[1] in south India. According to Vijaya Ramaswamy in [2] mudali in the 13th century referred to a title and not specific castes.

Does India’s caste system exist in other parts of the world?

India ‘s caste system naturally finds corollaries in other parts of the sub-continent, including Nepal, Pakistan, 10 Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

Is the Sinhalese caste system linked to the Hindu varna?

Although they both have their origin in India, the Sinhalese caste system is not linked to the Hindu varna. It was an aspect of a feudal society which divided people “according to Descent and Blood” or according to their hereditary roles and functions.

What is the Nepali government’s stance on caste discrimination?

At the Asian Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Tehran in February 2001, the Nepali government also declared that the problem of caste discrimination should be addressed at WCAR.