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Why Thanos plan is flawed?

Why Thanos plan is flawed?

The biggest flaw is Thanos’s belief that he can retire after wiping out half the life in the universe. Life has this funny habit of reproducing itself. Wipe out half the life in the universe, and within a generation or so, the universe is as populated as it was before.

What political ideology is Thanos?

Recreate Greece

Recreate Greece Δημιουργία, Ξανά Dimiourgia, Xana
Leader Thanos Tzimeros
Founded 8 December 2011
Ideology Conservative liberalism Economic liberalism Neoliberalism Anti-communism Anti-immigration Anti-Islam Pro-Europeanism
Political position far-right

What is Thanos mentality?

Thanos’ goal is to end suffering across the galaxy, his ambitions are noble and pure, larger than himself, one he is willing to sacrifice everything for. This is perhaps the first tell-tale sign to us that something may be wrong. In order to sacrifice everything, others must also pay a price to achieve his vision.

Why is Thanos so obsessed with balance?

The realm of death (all sentient beings who died) is currently smaller than the realm of life (all sentient beings currently alive). She wants Thanos to bring this into balance by killing half the sentient life in the universe- swelling her ranks while reducing (for a time) the number of sentient beings alive.

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Was the Thanos snap genocide?

In 2018, during the Battle of Wakanda, Thanos activated the completed gauntlet and initiated the Snap, causing a universal genocide which eliminated fifty percent of all life, randomly disintegrating individuals into dust.

Why does Thanos want to ‘save’ the universe?

In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos explains that his home world of Titan faced similar problems, leading to a global catastrophe, which is why he feels compelled to ‘save’ the cosmos from the same fate — by reducing its population.

Is Thanos right that wiping out half the population would be better?

As seen in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos thinks the solution is simply to wipe-out half the population. This fictional scenario is obviously wrong from a moral perspective, which is why Earth’s mightiest heroes try to stop him. But is Thanos actually right about the potential outcome, that reducing numbers would be better in the long run?

Is Thanos a person or an instrument?

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That sounds terrible if you see him as a person, but Thanos probably considers himself to be an instrument of destruction, a natural disaster or mass extinction event — one that will help save the universe. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn . Check out my website or some of my other work here .

Why is the villain collecting the Cosmic Infinity Stones?

The villain doesn’t perform these acts of mass murder just because he enjoys it, however — he’s collecting the cosmic ‘infinity stones’ for a gauntlet that would make him powerful enough to achieve his ultimate goal: a universe free from suffering. Why might halving a population make the world a better place?