
What are the feuds in Romeo and Juliet?

What are the feuds in Romeo and Juliet?

The Capulet and Montague feud The conflict between these two families is the main cause of all the conflicts within the play. The loathing between them has fueled the conflict between Romeo and Tybalt, the servants of both houses and Juliet’s inner conflict about the identity of her lover.

What quotes show conflict in Romeo and Juliet?

“That I must love a loathed enemy.” Juliet uses ‘must’ which indicates that she has no other choice – she loves Romeo and cannot change the fact. This presents a conflict for Juliet, as she cannot change what she feels – despite knowing that she should.

What does Romeo say about the feud?

He expresses his frustration in clichés that make his cousin Benvolio laugh at him. Romeo is also expected to be excited by the feud with the Capulets, but Romeo finds the feud as miserable as his love: “O brawling love, O loving hate” (1.1.).

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What is the family feud about in Romeo and Juliet?

In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the blame for the tragedy falls on the feud between the families, because the Capulet’s were trying to force a marriage on Juliet, and the young couple’s love was forbidden. First, Juliet’s parents really push her to marry Paris.

What is Juliet’s opinion of the feud quote?

I shall no longer be a Capulet. What is Juliet’s attitude toward the feud that has separated the two families? Juliet’s attitude towards the feud is that she does not care for what a person’s last name is, but for what they are instead.

What does it mean by my naked weapon is out?

My naked weapon is out. Quarrel, I will back thee. (1.1.) The action of Romeo and Juliet opens with Samson boasting that he is a violent man. This opening establishes that Verona is a place where violence can break out over nothing.

How does Romeo persuade Juliet to kiss him?

How does Romeo convince Juliet to kiss him? He talks to her in religious metaphors, describes her as a saint and he a pilgrim who needs his sin erased only she can do this. After their second kiss, Juliet is called by her nurse to go to her mother. Romeo asks who the mother is and the nurse responds Lady Capulet.

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How did the feud killed Romeo and Juliet?

First, it makes Tybalt mad at Romeo. So when he tries to fight Romeo and Romeo ends up killing him. That makes it so that Romeo gets exiled and Juliet is sad. Second, Juliet cannot tell her parents that she is in love with Romeo and that they have actually already gotten married.

What is the most famous quote from Romeo and Juliet?

You’ll probably recognize most of these often-quoted Romeo and Juliet quotes.

  • ” Parting is such sweet sorrow.” —
  • ” But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
  • “ Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?” —
  • ” What, drawn, and talk of peace?
  • ” My only love sprung from my only hate!” —

Who said the quote in Romeo and Juliet?

Friar Lawrence
Friar Lawrence Quotes About Marrying From ‘Romeo And Juliet’ 1. “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” – Friar Lawrence.

What is the origin of Romeo and Juliet’s feud?

Romeo is of House Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. We never learn the origin of the feud between the two families, but it pervades the play from the very first scene when servants from each house get into a fight.

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What does Juliet say about the rivalry between Romeo and Juliet?

At the end of Act I Juliet also feels the sting of the rivalry as she finds out that Romeo is a Montague and laments falling in love with an enemy of her family. She says, My only love sprung from my only hate!

What is the origin of the feud between the Montague-Capulet families?

We never learn the origin of the feud between the two families, but it pervades the play from the very first scene when servants from each house get into a fight. All of the major events in “Romeo and Juliet” are driven by the Montague-Capulet dispute.

How does Tybalt react to the feud between Romeo and Capulet?

Of all the characters in the play, it is Tybalt who takes the feud most to heart. When he recognizes Romeo at Capulet’s feast, he sends for his sword, but Capulet sees that Tybalt is angry and prevents the feast from turning into a fight.