
Why My Ex added me on Facebook?

Why My Ex added me on Facebook?

Originally Answered: Why did my ex added me on social media? Sometimes when people are lonely and want to feel validated, they will reach out to someone who once provided that for them. They might not want to try to make things work again, but might just want to see if they still have an effect on you.

Why is my ex requesting me on social media?

She’d want to know if the dreams you had back then have reached realization, and then she’d be proud of you from a distance. There’s a possibility of your ex wanting to get back together, and following you again on social media might be her way of checking if she still has a space in your life.

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Should you be friends with ex on Facebook?

A 2017 study from Kansas State University found that being friends with an ex on social media can have repercussions on your new relationship. “Some people have rules where they don’t mind if their partner is friends on social media with their exes, as long as they were friends before they dated,” Hershenson said.

Why is my ex adding my friends on Facebook?

He wants to make you feel his presence around you in your friend circle. He is probably succeeding in his intention. May be he want to patch up again but afraid of your response. So if you have a permanent stand and don’t trust him anymore then there is a way.

Why would a guy request his ex when he has a girlfriend?

Stick to it; “Why would a guy request his ex, when he already has a girlfriend?” From the sounds of things he’s either feeling guilty about what he did to you or he’s looking to cheat again. Block him and never think about him again.

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How do I deal with a cheating friend on Facebook?

But frankly, the best thing you can do is to not get so upset about it and not try to figure out his motives. It’s your FB page. All you need do is deny the request. Or, stop using social media. Is this cheater really worth any more of your time and energy?

How to deal with an ex who hurt you so badly?

Every minute you spend contemplating his motivations is a minute you’re not doing something useful and more valuable with. I get that it is upsetting to hear from an ex who hurt you so bad. But frankly, the best thing you can do is to not get so upset about it and not try to figure out his motives. It’s your FB page.