
Can an object have zero translational acceleration and at the same time have nonzero angular acceleration?

Can an object have zero translational acceleration and at the same time have nonzero angular acceleration?

The body can have translational and rotational motions, as long as its translational acceleration and angular acceleration are zero. The body can have translational and rotational motions, as long as its translational acceleration and angular acceleration are zero.

Can an object experience a non-zero acceleration if there is no change in velocity?

It is possible to have a non-zero value of acceleration when the velocity of a body is zero. This can happen when it goes in a particular direction, and a force which acts in a direction opposite to it, acts upon it.

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Can a momentarily stationary object have a non-zero angular acceleration?

yes, but if it has any non-zero acceleration it won’t stay at zero speed any time at all.

Is it possible for the angular momentum of an object to be zero if the angular velocity is non-zero?

Unfortunately, in general, the answer to the above question is no! This conclusion follows because the body may possess non-zero angular momentum components about axes perpendicular to its axis of rotation. Thus, in general, the angular momentum vector of a rotating body is not parallel to its angular velocity vector.

Why is linear acceleration not zero?

You mention that the magnitude of the velocity is constant, and indeed it is, but the direction of the velocity is changing. That means the acceleration is not zero.

What is translational acceleration?

Translational acceleration occurs when all the points of the body gain equal velocity in an equal amount of time. The direction of the velocity may be linear or non-linear. Linear acceleration is a type of translational acceleration.

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Can an object have a non-zero velocity and zero acceleration?

Yes. Anytime the velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. For example, a car traveling at a constant 90 km/h in a straight line has nonzero velocity and zero acceleration.

Is it possible for an object to be accelerating even though it has stopped moving?

Yes, acceleration is a change in velocity, so an object might be momentarily at rest but a split-second later have some speed, i.e. it can be changing its velocity even if it is momentarily at rest.

Why is angular momentum conserved but not linear?

Angular momentum, like energy and linear momentum, is conserved. This universally applicable law is another sign of underlying unity in physical laws. Angular momentum is conserved when net external torque is zero, just as linear momentum is conserved when the net external force is zero.

Is angular momentum always along axis of rotation?

Because of this, the axis of rotation of a quantum particle is undefined. Quantum particles do possess a type of non-orbital angular momentum called “spin”, but this angular momentum does not correspond to a spinning motion….

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Angular momentum
Derivations from other quantities L = Iω = r × p
Dimension M L2T−1

When the acceleration is a non-zero constant then?

Whenever there is a change in velocity, either due to a change in speed or a change in direction, there will be non-zero acceleration. Steve J. Acceleration is not constant if the net force is not constant.