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What are the components of a 200 N force at an angle of 60?

What are the components of a 200 N force at an angle of 60?

The force has been broken down into its parallel ( x , horizontal) and perpendicular ( y , vertical) components. We see that this forms a right triangle, and in this case, with an angle of 60o , we have a special 30o−60o−90o right triangle.

What is component force?

a force which, acting conjointly with one or more forces, produces the effect of a single force or resultant; one of a number of forces into which a single force may be resolved. …

What is vertical component?

That part, or component, of a vector that is perpendicular to a horizontal or level plane.

What is the vertical component of a force?

The vertical component of a force is 200 N. The force makes an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. What are the forces? – Quora The vertical component of a force is 200 N.

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What is the vertical component of 400 N at 30° to Horizon?

If the force at an angle of 30° to horizon is p its vertical.component is p*Sin 30° The horizontal component of 400 N at 30° to horizon is 400* Cos 30° , or 400*√3/2 , or Hello there! This is the resultant force. Cheers! The vertical component is 200N. The force make 30 degrees with the horizontal. So it must be making 60 degrees with the vertical.

How does the angle of force affect the horizontal direction?

As the angle that a force makes with the horizontal increases, the component of force in the horizontal direction (F x) decreases. The principle makes some sense; the more that a force is directed upwards (the angle with the horizontal increases), the less that the force is able to exert an influence in the horizontal direction.

How do you find the horizontal force on a chain?

Assume that the chain is exerting a 60 N force upon Fido at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizontal. A quick sketch of the situation reveals that to determine the vertical component of force, the sine function can be used and to determine the horizontal component of force, the cosine function can be used.