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What happened to the French who collaborated with the Germans?

What happened to the French who collaborated with the Germans?

The French, however, concentrated on the most visible collaborators, like members of Vichy’s ”militia,” a parapolice squad. In general, civil servants and businessmen, who had cooperated with the Germans on a day-to-day basis, were spared punishment, because they also claimed to have worked for the French Resistance.

What happened to the Vichy leaders after ww2?

Pierre Laval, the puppet leader of Nazi-occupied Vichy France, is executed by firing squad for treason against France. Henri Pétain took over the new Vichy state, and Laval served as minister of state.

What happened to the milice after the war?

End of the war Following the Liberation of France, members who failed to flee to Germany (where they were impressed into the Charlemagne Division of the Waffen-SS) or elsewhere, generally faced imprisonment for treason, execution following courts-martial or murder by vengeful résistants and civilians.

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Why did Germany occupy Vichy France?

Because they needed troops on other fronts. Hitler was planning the operation Barbarossa against USSR that would have taken million of men away. Furthermore in the same period he helped Italians in North Africa against British and in Albania against Greece.

Who was the leader of Vichy France?

Marshal Philippe Pétain
Vichy France, formally French State, French État Français, (July 1940–September 1944), France under the regime of Marshal Philippe Pétain from the Nazi German defeat of France to the Allied liberation in World War II.

Which department is Vichy in?


Vichy Vichèi (Occitan)
Department Allier
Arrondissement Vichy
Canton Vichy-1 & Vichy-2
Intercommunality Vichy Communauté

When did Germany occupy Vichy France?

November 10, 1942
On November 10, 1942, German troops occupy Vichy France, which had previously been free of an Axis military presence. Since July 1940, upon being invaded and defeated by Nazi German forces, the autonomous French state had been split into two regions.

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Did the US recognize Vichy France?

The United States granted Vichy full diplomatic recognition, sending Admiral William D. Leahy to France as ambassador. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull hoped to use American influence to encourage those elements in the Vichy government opposed to military collaboration with Germany.

What is the difference between Vichy France and Free France?

Explain the difference between Vichy France and Free France. Vichy France was a puppet government set up by the occupying German forces and Free France was the name for a group of French people that continued to fight the German occupation forces.

Who created Vichy France?

What parts of France were occupied by Germany?

Germany occupied three-fifths of mainland France: the areas with the most economic potential and the Atlantic and Northern coasts. The Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich (MBF) (the German Military Command in France) was set up in to administer this “occupied zone.” Otto von Stülpnagel took control of it in October 1940.