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What is DC current in simple words?

What is DC current in simple words?

Direct current (DC or “continuous current”) is the flow of electricity in a single direction, from the positive to the negative terminals (potential, poles). The direct current always flow in the same direction, distinguishing it from the alternating current (AC).

What is an example of DC current?

Examples of DC electronics include: Cell phones. The LilyPad-based D&D Dice Gauntlet. Flat-screen TVs (AC goes into the TV, which is converted to DC)

Which is more harmful AC or DC?

Alternating current (A.C) is five times more dangerous than Direct current (D.C). The frequency of the alternating current is the main reason for this severe effect on the human body. At this frequency, even a small voltage of 25 volts can kill a person.

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Why do we need DC current?

Direct current has many uses, from the charging of batteries to large power supplies for electronic systems, motors, and more. High-voltage direct current is used to transmit large amounts of power from remote generation sites or to interconnect alternating current power grids.

Can an AC switch be used in a DC circuit?

Yes, an AC switch should be fine to control a few milliamperes of a relay coil. The relay is designed to switch high DC currents.

What are the disadvantages of a DC current?

Commutation problems of the DC system occur in transmission.

  • Normally Very high DC voltages are difficult to generate.
  • The DC Switches and Circuit breakers got very own limitations.
  • How is DC current calculated?

    Through Ohm’s law, you can calculate the voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R) of a DC circuit. From that you can also calculate the power at any point in the circuit. Follow Ohm’s law: Voltage (V) = Current (I) times Resistance (R). V = I * R. Use this example to calculate DC voltage.

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    What is a common source of DC current?

    Power source. A DC circuit requires a source of power. Typically,a battery is used to provide continuous DC electricity.

  • Voltage,current and resistance. The electricity moving through a wire or other conductor consists of its voltage ( V ),current ( I) and resistance ( R ).
  • Conductors. The wire and electric devices must be able to conduct electricity.
  • What is the difference between DC and AC current?

    The difference between AC and DC is that AC is an alternating current (the amount of electrons) that flows in both directions and DC is direct current that flows in only one direction; the product that is flowing being electrons. AC power is what fuels our homes.