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What personality types are INTPs compatible with?

What personality types are INTPs compatible with?

The INTP’s partner that is natural ENTJ or ESTJ. This means that INTPs are best matched with extraverted intuition, or those with extraverted feelings because introverted thinking is an https://datingranking.net/growlr-review/ INTP’s dominant personality characteristic.

What is it like dating an INTP?

INTPs highly value truth and objectivity. They never hesitate to tell the truth, despite the discomfort it might cause, and expect the same from their partners. INTPs are faithful partners who show no interest in cheating or finding an alternative option while dating someone else.

Which INTPs are most compatible with each other?

INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) is most compatible with ENTP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving), INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving), and ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving), according to Moore.

What is the best career for INTP?

Although INTPs can be found in a wide variety of fields, a happy and satisfied INTP is invariably found in a career that allows them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply. INTPs have an innovative nature and are often drawn to cutting-edge fields such as technology, engineering, and the sciences.

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What personality type pairs well with INTJ?

ENTJ (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) pairs well with INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging), most of all. “This is a compatible dating match,” the Spencers say. “The core or ‘heart’ of this type is the ‘NT,'” which means they have strong intuition and thinking preferences.

What is an INTP personality type?

INTPs have an innovative nature and are often drawn to cutting-edge fields such as technology, engineering, and the sciences. Although INTPs overall are a rare breed, visit an area like California’s Silicon Valley or a tech company like Google or Apple and you’ll find that nearly every other person seems to be an INTP.