
How should you deal with flaky friends?

How should you deal with flaky friends?

Their Flakiness Has No Pattern. The worst thing about your BFF being flaky,is that there’s no pattern to it.

  • Double Dates Take So Much Convincing. Why wouldn’t you want to go on double dates with your best friend?
  • Your Wake-Up Calls Never Work.
  • You Have To Reiterate How Much You Really Want To Do Something,ALL OF THE TIME.
  • How to deal with Flaky People?

    1) Show compassion because they might have a deeper issue. Sometimes people seem flaky because they have a condition like depression, anxiety, or ADHD. 2) Talk to the person about specific behaviors that bother you. You deserve to feel respected and shouldn’t have to carry someone else’s weight. 3) Work around their flakiness so it’s less of a problem. You probably wish they’d stop being flaky, but it’s a very difficult behavior to overcome. 4) Invite them to do something fun if you’re spending time together. Generally, flaky people know how to have fun. 5) Let them experience the consequences of ignoring their responsibilities. Cleaning up someone’s mess can be super frustrating. 6) Give them time to grow into their responsibility, if possible. Most people who are flaky will eventually become more responsible. 7) Show appreciation when they follow through on something. The best way to help your flaky person improve their behavior is to reward them when they do something well.

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    Why are people flaky?

    The outer layer of your skin contains a mixture of dead skin cells and natural oils, which help it hold on to water. If this layer is damaged and moisture gets out, or if your skin cell renewal process goes off the rails, you could get flaky or scaly.

    Why do people flake?

    Most people who habitually flake are flaking on their own personal lives as well. These are the types who flake on their own job interviews because they were too tired from last nights party. The types that call-off work because it feels inconvenient. The types who set personal goals but never try to achieve them.