Useful tips

Should I cloak my affiliate links?

Should I cloak my affiliate links?

Link cloaking improves SEO and click-through rates. Link cloaking will also improve your click-through rates. If your links appear more trustworthy and users know where it’s taking them, more people will click on your links. This can make all the difference between losing a customer and closing a deal.

Can I promote my affiliate links on Facebook?

Yes. Facebook’s TOS and Amazon Associate’s Terms of Service (TOS) allow you to post affiliate links on your personal profile or your business page. If you use a different affiliate network be sure to check its TOS to ensure that posting your affiliate links on Facebook is okay.

What does it mean to cloak affiliate link?

Link cloaking is the process of disguising the affiliate link URL provided by an affiliate program to muddle the affiliate ID and make the link shorter. Link cloaking protects your affiliate commissions by making the affiliate ID less visible. At the same time, it makes the link more visually appealing to visitors.

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Do affiliate links affect SEO?

For the most part, affiliate links do not directly help or hurt your SEO. Affiliate links through major program networks cannot negatively influence your SEO because they do not get indexed past the network. That being said, we highly recommend that you carefully choose which affiliate sites promote your business.

How can I make my affiliate links look better?

  1. Insert affiliate links in your product reviews and tutorials.
  2. Add affiliate links to your resources page.
  3. Place affiliate banners on your website.
  4. Use affiliate links in your newsletters and email sequences.
  5. Embed affiliate links into your video content.
  6. Promote affiliate links on social media and forums.

Where can I post my affiliate link?

The best place to advertise your affiliate links on is social media. The majority of internet users spend most of their time online on a social media website or app, which is why it is the best way to reach out to potential visitors. You can create interesting posts and then advertise your affiliate links in them.

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How do I hide affiliate links?

The basic process of cloaking affiliate links is simple:

  1. Create a folder from where you’ll serve your redirects. At Yoast, we use /out/.
  2. Block the /out/ folder in your robots.txt file by adding: Disallow: /out/
  3. Use a script in your redirect folder to redirect to your affiliate URLs.